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10 Tips To Feel Full After Dinner and Stop Snacking at Night

Most people struggle to lose weight or maintain their weight because they fail to follow a balanced diet and end up snacking throughout the day.

Most people struggle to lose weight or maintain their weight because they fail to follow a balanced diet and end up snacking throughout the day. The problem is that most snacks are high in calories, sugar, and fat. It’s so easy to keep reaching for unhealthy junk food when you have it readily available in your home or office – desk, cupboard, fridge…Many of us also tend to skip lunch because we are too busy or don’t have time to cook. Skipping meals makes your blood sugar drop and increases your appetite. In addition, many people drink soda or juice instead of water during the day which adds unnecessary calories. This article will give you 10 simple tips on how to stop snacking at night – one of the main reasons why many people struggle with their weight.

Have a healthy and balanced dinner before going to bed

The most important thing you can do is to have a healthy and balanced dinner before going to bed. This will help you feel full and also add more protein to your meal which will keep you feeling full for longer. Try to avoid foods that make you crave sugar or salt like potato chips, crisps, chocolate, biscuits, etc.

Do some light exercise before dinner

One way to feel full after dinner is by doing some light exercise before dinner. This will burn more calories and helps to boost metabolism.

Don’t eat too many carbs before bed

One of the most common reasons why people snack at night is because they are hungry. Carbs are usually the cause of this hunger, especially at night. If you have too many carbs before bed, it will make it more difficult to sleep and trigger your body’s natural production of ghrelin - a hormone that tells your brain to eat when you are hungry. Eating too many carbs will also decrease serotonin levels which can cause depression and lead to overeating. Carbohydrates should be consumed in moderation and only with protein or healthy fats like avocado.

Put something in your stomach before bed

Many of us have a habit of eating dinner, then doing some work on the computer and before going to bed, we feel hungry. But by this time it's too late to eat anything and you end up snacking on something unhealthy. Instead, make sure that your stomach is full before you go to bed by drinking a tall glass of water with dinner or eating a small piece of fruit.

Take a multivitamin with dinner

It’s a good idea to take a multivitamin if you are struggling with weight as it helps your body get all the nutrients it needs. It’s important to have a balanced diet but many people struggle with this as time goes on and they make more and more unhealthy choices. Taking a multivitamin can help you fill in the gaps that your diet might be missing.

Stretch and breathe to relax your body

Stretching and breathing can be a great way to calm your body, mind, and relax before bed. Experts recommend focusing on the exhaling breath. This means you should take a deep breath in, exhale for about 5-10 seconds, and then repeat.

Don’t go to bed hungry

To stop snacking at night, make sure you are not going to bed hungry. If you are skipping dinner, then have a light snack before bedtime. This will help prevent the drop in blood sugar that leads to overeating and snacking at night.


A healthy meal before bed is a great way to avoid night time snacking. The right nutrients will leave you feeling satisfied and less hungry for unhealthy late night snacks. Follow these ten tips for a bedtime routine that will help you feel full and avoid overeating.

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