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A balanced nutrition is vital at any age to enjoy a full, satisfying, and healthy life.


Emotional Health

Let's begin tasting, one by one, the ingredients in our food with our mind and heart.



Set a goal to move around as much as possible to maximize the effect of your Yes You Can! products.



Set your vision on what you want to accomplish.
Remember: Action + Intention = Transformation.

Monserrath León

*Consumers who correctly follow the Yes You Can! Program of proper diet and exercise and two Complete Meal Replacement shakes per day can expect to lose approximately 3 pounds per month. However, results may vary depending on a variety of individual factors.

"Her insecurities jeopardized her marriage"

My name is Monserrath León, and I’m 21 years old. I must confess that my teenage years were very difficult because I was never happy with myself. I always felt sad and angry and kept dreaming that I would one day open my eyes and my nightmare would be over. At school, I was treated differently because of my weight, which totally wrecked my self-esteem. I remember that I couldn't do simple things like sit properly and cross my legs – it made me feel like an outsider. Everyone around me was thin except me, so I always felt alienated. I had conflicting thoughts with food because I thought that it wouldn’t make any difference whether I ate or not. When I found out about the Yes You Can! Products, I knew it wasn’t like all the other products I tried before. I could feel that this was different, so I gave it a try and started changing my life. Thanks to Yes You Can!, I don’t see my life as a “diet life” anymore – I just see it as a lifestyle where I eat healthy. I just have to take my four Transform Kit supplements, drink my Protein Shakes and follow the Traffic Light Diet. With Yes You Can!, I reached my goals in a few months and I’m going for more! I want to reach my ideal weight and, through this process, I have learned that each one of us has the power to decide to stay overweight or change that forever.

Monserrath León used our transformation kit


Learn more about our Transformation Kit, clinically proven to help you lose weight.

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