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A balanced nutrition is vital at any age to enjoy a full, satisfying, and healthy life.


Emotional Health

Let's begin tasting, one by one, the ingredients in our food with our mind and heart.



Set a goal to move around as much as possible to maximize the effect of your Yes You Can! products.



Set your vision on what you want to accomplish.
Remember: Action + Intention = Transformation.

Guadalupe Bruno

*Consumers who correctly follow the Yes You Can! Program of proper diet and exercise and two Complete Meal Replacement shakes per day can expect to lose approximately 3 pounds per month. However, results may vary depending on a variety of individual factors.

My name is Guadalupe Bruno. I’m Mexican, I’m 38 years old and I live in the state of California. I came to this country because I wanted a better life. I’m a very hard worker, but unfortunately I let myself go and that is when I started to gain weight. I started suffering from severe and painful leg problems. I tried everything, until one day I got inspired with Alejandro Chaban’s book and I changed my life forever. The Beginning My wish to fulfill the American dream led me to work at a printing office where I would start working at dawn until late afternoon. Though I am very thankful for my job, it was hard for me to keep track of my eating schedule. I started eating cookies at work and then came home at night to eat large meals. I knew I was gaining weight, but I ignored it until my legs started hurting immensely. My Moment of Crisis It was a nightmare for me to have to work standing all day and having to support my weight. I went to the Doctor to see if he could help relieve the pain I had on my knees and my feet. But I left the Doctors office feeling offended because the Doctor told me I had to lose weight- all I heard was I was FAT and pre-diabetic. I weigh 164 pounds I tried everything to lose weight, even drinking boiling water to see if it would burn off my fat, but it only burned my mouth. My transformation I was incredibly inspired after reading Alejandro Chaban’s story. The way he gained weight and the struggle he went through to change his life. This is the moment I decided to change my life with the Transform Kit On-The-Go. I lost 50 pounds I’m now a size 0 and proud to be a hard working Latina. My positive energy is contagious at work but most of all, I am now a Yes You Can! Success Story! I finally found a healthy lifestyle! Yes You Can!

Guadalupe Bruno used our transformation kit


Learn more about our Transformation Kit, clinically proven to help you lose weight.

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